Motor City Comic Con is next week! Getting my prints together and working on some sketches to present at the show. And with any luck my Blackstone comics will get here in time. ( I ordered late like I always do. ) Either way just super excited to get back on to the convention scene. I want to show people that I am truly serious about my comic book endeavors. This show is a hallmark to my comic career. It was my first big show when I was promoting the Aerial and Assault comics that I was part of. It is pretty much where I left off over 15 years ago. Yeah, I know....I'm old. 40 is old these days but I don't feel a day over 38! I stopped doing comics to pursue a business that I started. And although it was fun and taught me a lot about how to run a business, it also showed me that I needed to get back to my passion. Creating comics has always been near and dear to my heart. When I am drawing comics or storyboards I am truly happy. ( Minus all the changes when you are working for someone else. lol ) Oh well, if I can't draw what someone else tells me then I better pick a new profession! But I am would never think of it. I just closed a successful sign business to pursue my art in storytelling. I wish I had went back to this sooner but no regrets. Now it is time to dig in and push to that next level of creative skills. I have to step it up a notch and build my speed and effectiveness. Then I can push out lots of fun and exciting comics, storyboards, character creations, and pretty much anything that keeps me at the drawing table....or digital tablet!
So I say all of this because to me the shows are a great way of staying motivated in comics. There is a certain synergy at these shows that you just cannot get elsewhere. You can't get it from the internet, you can't get it from a coffee shop. You can only get it at comic conventions. And in any business there are trade shows. Yes, I just called comics a business. And those trade shows are imperative to growing and networking. So hopefully I meet some new faces, reconnect with some old ones and most of all gain vital inspiration and motivation to create comics!
And if nothing else, there is always Cosplay! The other great reason to attend a convention near you! ;)
By the way if you attend the show then please stop and by and say hi. I will be in artist alley May 15th, 16th, and 17th.
Taking Commissions
Robert A. Marzullo
Ram Studios Comics